Marketing Insights

Down in the DM (Direct Marketing)

January 05, 2022 McGraw Hill

For marketers who want to meet consumer demands with more precision, ProfessorShanita Akintonde has the solution. Go down in the DM (direct marketing) with abandon!

Not only does this strategy save money, when implemented correctly it can lead to increased brand loyalty and sales. Listen in to learn how it works.

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Marketing Maven Shanita Akintonde personifies passion and purpose.  With over two decades of strategically-honed leadership experience as a professor and marketing executive, Shanita has transitioned over 10,000 students from her classroom to the boardroom.

She is an author, newspaper columnist, and certified professional speaker who serves as President of ShanitaSpeaks, LLC, a company that energizes clients to predict marketing trends, identify niche audiences and effectively communicate measurable outcomes, all of which she spotlights as host of the #1-ranked Marketing Insights podcast series.

Podcast Transcript

Shanita Akintonde:

Hi, this is Shanita Akintonde, professor, author, career coach, and marketing sheroe. I invite you to join me for this very special edition of my marketing insights podcast series entitled, Down in the DM, Direct Marketing. If they respond to direct marketing that's a thumbs up, posted gram pics on the gram that's a wake up. First they love you, then they block you, then they break up. This is the remix you know what's up, it goes down in the deal, it goes down, it goes down in the deal, it goes down. Snapchat me that marketing plan, cool. FaceTime me that strategy document, did they used? My DM's popping, Whoo.

            Welcome to another episode of my marketing insights podcast series. This one is entitled, Down in the DM, Direct Marketing. Let's come back up, direct marketing is a measurable form of marketing that falls under what I call the fourth letter P in the 5Ps of marketing, that's right. Despite what your textbook and perhaps other professors have told you. This professor, Professor Shanita Akintonde that'd be me y'all, says that there are 5Ps of marketing. Say them with me, number one product, number two price, number three place number four promotion, and number five, this is the one I've added people.

            That's because we can't do anything without them, right marketing maestros? But back to number four promotion, that's where advertising fits in, and under advertising's armpit. Down in the DM, Direct Marketing, which is a tactic devised from advertising campaigns. And since I referenced the bodily orifice a second ago, where brands like secret, or degree, or right guard, or whatever you use, which is hopefully something. Suffice it to say that they can all potentially benefit, from the tactics that will be covered in this very special edition of my marketing insights podcast series entitled, Down in the DM, Direct Marketing. Regardless of the product being advertised, marketers utilized direct marketing to incentivize consumers to take certain action, such as a visit to a store, a download of a coupon, or a direct visit in another capacity.

            The communication tools used often vary, and may include snail mail, website posts, insertions in magazines or newspapers. Or things such as email, or mobile marketing, web push ads, or others together that compromise the trifecta of effective direct marketing tactics. Here are the two main reasons, I call them DM drops, that this process works. Here's DM drop number one, let's begin with those ends, this is when marketers strategically optimize the spin garnered without the use of major bucks. DM drop number two, meet in demand needs in less time than a sneeze, achoo. Down in the DM, Direct Marketing makes marketers extremely nimble in their ability to consistently meet market demands. And as a result, they become increasingly responsive.

            Now let's move on to my example, the Kit Kat rat attack tack, also known as the chunky mailer, chunky, chunky, chunky, chunky. When charged with the task of unwrapping their novella, Kit Kat chunky chocolate candy bar campaign. Nestle stirred up a few brilliant bars for the chocolate bar candy, via a direct marketing campaign. Now we're not talking crumbs marketing maestros, our marketing cousins decided to mail consumers, get this a free candy bar. What's so special about that you ask, well, the thing is this particular candy bar was too chunky. I like them big, I like them chunky, to fit into a regular envelope and this was also too big to fit inside of a regular mailbox. So instead they sent cards that the recipient could then take to the store in exchange for a free Kit Kat chunky bar, chunky, chunky, chunky, chunky, chunky, chunky.

            This great campaign was effective due to its simplicity. And as a result, Nestle sales blew through the blubber, pulsated through those pocket books, soared in sales. It's a prime example of how personalization translates into monetization, particularly in the world of direct marketing. Direct marketing is a type of marketing campaign whose end goal, is to initiate a personal relationship between an organization and the consumer. In a direct marketing campaign, the marketing organization communicates directly with a niche segment, via one or more marketing channels. My personal experience tells me that these communication practices use the push strategy, versus the pull strategy, more on that in a future podcast. The reason I say this is because a key trait that differentiates direct marketing from other marketing tactics, lies and its ability to garner a direct response.

            Products, goods, and services that utilize direct marketing strategies, must also establish for consumers a response to them directly, via their marketing efforts, particularly in terms of orders and purchase requests. It is in this way, that down in the DM, Direct Marketing differs from advertising. You see advertisers communicate to the masses, through vehicles that stem primarily from traditional platforms, such as billboards, broadcast ads on TV, and radio, or print media. The advertising process also involves intermediaries. In other words, those responsible for spreading the promotional message to gargantuan size groups. While their clients sit across the way, with cross legs, cross fingers, cross toes, and probably crossed eyeballs. While praying that their intended demographic will see their ads, and subsequently by the product.

            Allow me to insert a disclaimer here, my sweet snowflake stuff sausage balls. I too have an advertising background, as well as a PR background, and of course a marketing background. All three of which I currently practice independently, as well as on some integrated marketing campaign basis. It is for that reason that I make the previous statement with such confidence, it's come from my own professional experience. But back to this experience in this podcast, Down in the DM, Direct Marketing is a transaction that typically happens directly between the marketing organization, and the consumers with no crossings, no mass audiences, and no intermediaries.

            And now that we're in the digital age, direct marketing has even more relevance next up. I will unpack two reasons that smart marketers should consider down in the DM, Direct Marketing for their clients. According to Cyberclick, in a piece entitled, 3 Great Examples of Direct Marketing written by Laia Cardona, on August 20th, 2021. The main elements of an effective direct marketing campaign, include the ability to elicit a reaction in the target audience using content delivered directly to the consumer. Both physically and through the email marketing process, a very striking graphic design, a surprising product, or a video that touches the heartstrings of the listener are effective. Now, here are three examples that are pulled from that piece, as well as from my own research that I will share with you now. Example number one, for this one we're going way down in the DM, as in to Brazil, were alcoholics anonymous of Brazil, collaborated with Facebook to create a tool that would help Brazilian teens, who were struggling with alcohol consumption.

            They came up with the idea of a chat bot on Facebook, that is called anonymous friend. This entity was established in order to have a smart conversation with a younger demographic. In this case those who are concerned about over drinking, or who simply wanted to understand the harmful effects of drinking overall and who also needed help. This is an example of direct marketing, because it demonstrates two things, not only that marketing as some people perceive, is only used to sell things. No, the real purpose is to not only disseminate information that connects people with the products, goods, or services that they want. But it also serves a capacity to feel needs, as is demonstrated in this example. Number two, Toyota Corolla in a direct marketing campaign completed by an integrated agency called Kittcatt, that's spelled K-I-T-T-C-A-T-T.

            I promise I can't make this stuff up, marketing maestros. We just talked about Kit Kat in the last example, and here's an agency called Kittcatt. Anyway, Toyota highlighted eight of their models, which include optimal drive, Aygo, Yaris, Avensis, iQ, and Urban Cruiser. Which offered designated vouchers to designated drivers, for every test drive booked in an optimal drive model. This direct marketing tactic used in this example shows, true integration of consumer to product, as in driving and down the road. Number three, Burger King, this is a direct marketing campaign that was held by the New York times. As marketers entering the living room, or perhaps the dining room, or the kitchen as well, is what I say, more on that in a moment. This campaign was entitled Google Home of the Whopper, and included television spots, and social media ads that asked, "Okay, Google, what is the Whopper burger." A query that triggered Google Home devices to activate, and name the ingredients of the Whopper. Thus engaging consumers to participate in the ad, now that's definitely down in the DM, Direct Marketing at its finest.

            Just like all of you who joined me in this very special edition of my marketing insights podcast series entitled, Down in the DM, Direct Marketing. So let's recap, direct marketing allows marketers to match consumer needs at a higher rate, and as a result, build consumer loyalty. The very concept of direct translates into the ability to more effectively track and measure campaign results. You can figuratively and in some cases literally see consumers, and lastly it's cost effective. In other words, down in the DM, Direct Marketing is a lot cheaper, or as I like to say, it's where strategy supersedes to spend. But all told it's blended with love, just like I have for all of you, my marketing maestros. Until next time, which will be our best time. This is Shanita Akintonde, professor, author, career coach, and marketing sheroe signing off.

            If you enjoy listening to these podcasts, be sure to subscribe on Stitcher, iTunes or Google Play, and like them wherever you hear them. Connect with me on LinkedIn at Professor Shanita Akintonde, or follow me on Twitter at @_ShanitaSpeaks.

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